Located 66 miles (1 hour drive) to the north, Santa Fe is America's oldest capital. Established in 1606 by the Spanish, it is world renowned for its art market, culture and cuisine. It a beautiful, walkable, city.
Getting There:
It's a one hour drive direct on I-25 North.
For a more scenic route, take the Turquoise Trail (62 miles, 1 1/2 hours to Santa Fe). Stop in Madrid to experience an old coal mining town, with an original tavern and soda fountain, and the Old Coal Mine Museum. The movie "Wild Hogs" was filmed in Madrid.
For an alternate transportation method, take the Railrunner Express from Downtown Albuquerque to Santa Fe. Visit http://nmrailrunner.com/ for more information.
Cultural Attractions:
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
217 Johnson St
Loretto Chapel
207 Old Santa Fe Trail
Visit the Miraculous Spiral Staircase
St. Francis Cathedral
131 Cathedral Place